Industrial Diving Services:
General Underwater Construction:
Hurricane Response
Repair Work
Structural Reinforcement
Underwater Construction
Site Clearing
Laying Pipelines
Inspecting Piping
Underwater Welding & Burning
Geo Barrier, Geo Tubes (basically a water dam)
Seawall Construction & Repairs
Dock Construction and Inspections
Docks, Piers and Bulkheads
Seawall Construction & Repairs
Bridge, Dam & Culverts:
Water Reservoir Inspections
Bridge and Seawall Rehabilitation
Lake Maintenance
Lake Bank Stabilization
Lake Bank Surveys
Erosion Control
Turf reinforcement Mats
Articulated Concrete Block Mats
Culvert and Bridge Inspections for FDOT APPROVAL
Bridge Construction
Dam Inspection & Repairs for Certified Inspections
Pile Jackets
Ship Repair:
- Hull Cleaning
- Anode Replacement
Marine Salvage & Wreck Removal
Hull Inspection & Repair
Barge & Rig Support
Propeller grinding
Cathodic Protection
Non-Destructive Testing
Underwater Ultrasonic Thickness Testing
Public Utilities:
Non-Destructive Testing
Underwater Ultrasonic Thickness Testing of Water Towers and Water Tanks
Water Reservoir Inspections
Pipe, Culvert Maintenance and Inspection
Pipe Plugging
Storm Drains and Underwater pipes vide inspection, cleaning and reporting
Cleaning Out Intake and Outlets
Power Plants, Pulp & Paper, Chemical Plant and Theme Parks
Traveling Water Screens
Oil and Fuel Removals
Erosion Control, ACB, and Gabions Mattresses Systems
Trash Racks and Gates
Stop Blocks
Pump Inspection and Replacements
Inspection Repair on Industrial Intake Pipe Cleaning
Natural Construction:
Dock and Seawall Construction, Repairs and Inspections
Springs Construction
Disaster Relief: Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Natural Disasters, Search and Rescue, and Emergency Salvages
Mass Debry Removal
Vegetation Removal
Wet Welding
InDepth Inc
1473 Old Haw Creek Road
Bunnell FL, 32110
Office Phone: (386) 202-2771
Emergency: (386) 986--8177